Houdini and World Machine

Decided it was time to get back to Houdini and had been jonesin' for some fun in World Machine too! Had some fun with color theory as an added bonus. Rendered with Mantra.

Blue Bubbly

Some additional exploration and fun with VDBs and particles in Houdini.

C4D and Octane

Good times with some dailies playing with texturing and displacement and lighting in Octane!

More fun in Houdini, this time with VDBs and rings!

I was inspired to do these by a guy I follow on Instagram, named @patrick_4D. He works mainly in C4D and his work is quite spectacular! I decided to take a concept I liked into Houdini to get results from VDBs that would otherwise be difficult or impossible in C4D. It also let me really mess with subsurface scattering in Mantra and process and create all the textures using Houdini's native compositer, COPs. Enjoy!

Ramon Todo Houdini Setup

Been admiring Romon Todo's sculptures lately and wanted to see if I could make a procedural setup to create some forms and shapes similar to his sculptures. I think I succeeded :D Enjoy!

Some light please?

Some brief experimentation with volume light in Houdini. Statue model is 3D scanned OBJ from threedscans.com. Pattern behind the heart I created in Houdini. Enjoy!


Messing around with clouds and techniques to make lightning in Houdini. Ground was made with World Machine.

Black Beads

Some more houdini learning and experimentation with Entagma's minimal surfaces and packing surfaces techniques.

TOTEMS Breakdown

Design, coloring, and character animation done by CJ Cook. I modeled, lit, textured and rendered the environment of the bar and exterior window scenes. Rendered in C4D with cel shader look.


A small piece of a world where people sell body parts and get weird. Floating bones and stiff drinks. Wanted to try some colors, camera moves, and different kinds of animation.

It's finished! Helped make this colorful little piece with CJ Cook in our spare time. Enjoy!

Timber Motion Poem!

This past autumn I had the opportunity to work with the supremely talented team at Timber to help create the visuals for their submission to the annual Motion Poems. Using primarily Houdini, I helped setup, implement and simulate many of the liquid gold flows and droplets featured in the video. Enjoy!

Particle Advection

More Houdini stuff. Used a simple smoke simulation and then dove into some particle advection using a method by Alessandro Pepe wherein the advected particles are used to create lines and the lines are then converted to a volume. The color of the smoke is mapped to density attribute. Enjoy.

#inktober 2016

All the phenomenal work my friends have posted for #inktober made me want to get in on the action. I'm lookin at you @jacobtstuff @bokann_ and @cleonique <_< While this technically isn't ink, I used it as an excuse to practice some sketch and toon styling in C4D and in hopes of spreading the inktober love.

Ferro Fluid Houdini

Some more Houdini fun! Saw the original concept on the Niels PRAYER Vimeo channel and couldn't resist making my own. Learned some neat things about CHOPs and MotionFX and really enjoyed lighting this one. Looking to take this idea in an alternate direction soon... In the meantime, enjoy!

Playing with Particles

Had some fun playing with particles and color in Houdini this weekend1 The size of the particles shrink and the color changes from yellow to pink as each particle ages. Enjoy.